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  1. Copyright

By The Wyoming LLC Attorney Team

Mar 08, 2024

    Navigating Copyright: Unraveling the Meaning of "All Rights Reserved"

    How to Start an LLC


    This article provides an overview of the phrase "All Rights Reserved" in copyright law and its implications. The phrase signifies that the copyright holder reserves all exclusive rights provided by copyright law, such as reproduction, distribution, creation of derivative works, and public performance/display. While not legally required, it serves as a reminder that permission is needed beyond fair use or exceptions.

    In the realm of copyright law, we often encounter the phrase "All Rights Reserved." Despite its ubiquitous presence in everything from books to software, many of us may be unclear about its precise meaning and implications. What exactly does it mean when a work bears this notice? What rights are being reserved, and for whom? And what impact does it have on how we can use the work?

    This article aims to demystify the phrase "All Rights Reserved," helping you better understand the contours of copyright law and the protections it affords to creators and rights holders. We'll examine the origins of the phrase, explore its meaning in detail, and discuss its implications in today's digital age. Whether you're a creator, consumer, or simply someone seeking to understand the complexities of copyright law, this article is designed to provide you with valuable insights. Let's delve into the world of copyrights and rights reservation.

    Understanding the Basics of Copyright

    Before we delve into the phrase "All Rights Reserved," it's essential to understand the basics of copyright. Copyright is a legal protection that grants authors, artists, composers, and other creators exclusive rights to their original works. It's a form of intellectual property law that covers a wide range of creative works, including books, music, art, films, photographs, software, and even architectural designs.

    Here are some key points about copyright:

    1. Original Works: Copyright protection only extends to original works. This means the work must be the result of some creative effort on the part of its creator. Facts, ideas, systems, or methods of operation aren't eligible for copyright.
    2. Fixation: The work must be fixed in a tangible medium of expression, meaning it must be written, painted, recorded, or otherwise captured in some physical form.
    3. Automatic Protection: In many jurisdictions, including the United States, copyright protection is automatic from the moment the work is fixed in a tangible medium. You don't need to register or publish the work or display a copyright notice for it to be protected.
    4. Exclusive Rights: Copyright grants the creator or rights holder a bundle of exclusive rights, including the right to reproduce the work, distribute copies, display the work publicly, perform the work publicly, and create derivative works based on the original.
    5. Limitations: Copyright isn't unlimited. It expires after a certain period (usually the author's life plus 70 years), and it's subject to certain limitations and exceptions, such as fair use, which allows limited use of copyrighted works without permission in specific circumstances.
    6. Infringement: Using a copyrighted work without permission (outside of fair use or another exception) is infringement, which can result in legal consequences.

    Understanding these basics of copyright will provide a solid foundation for grasping the concept of "All Rights Reserved" and how it functions within the broader framework of copyright law. In the next section, we'll discuss the origins and meaning of this phrase.

    Unpacking Copyright Notices

    One of the elements you'll often encounter concerning copyright is the copyright notice. Although it's not mandatory to carry copyright protection, it serves as a helpful tool for communicating copyright information.

    Components of a Copyright Notice

    A typical copyright notice consists of three elements:

    • The copyright symbol © (or the word "Copyright" or abbreviation "Copr.");
    • The year of the first publication of the work; and
    • The name of the copyright owner.

    For example: © 2023 John Smith

    A copyright notice informs the public that the work is protected by copyright, identifies the copyright owner, and shows the year of first publication. Additionally, it eliminates the defense of "innocent infringement," where someone accused of infringement claims they were unaware of the work's copyright status.

    All Rights Reserved

    The phrase "All Rights Reserved" used to be part of the copyright notice, especially in countries adhering to the Buenos Aires Convention. The phrase indicated that the copyright holder fully reserves all the exclusive rights provided by copyright law. For example: © 2023 John Smith. All Rights Reserved.

    However, since the U.S. adherence to the Berne Convention and the Universal Copyright Convention, the "All Rights Reserved" notice has largely become redundant for nations that are signatories to these conventions. Today, copyright is automatically applied to qualifying works without the need for such declarations.

    Yet, some copyright owners still use "All Rights Reserved" in their copyright notices. While it's not legally required, it serves as a reminder to users that the copyright holder retains all rights granted under copyright law and that users need to seek permission to use the work beyond the bounds of fair use or other exceptions. In our next section, we'll delve deeper into what those rights are and what it means to reserve them.

    Understanding "All Rights Reserved"

    The term "All Rights Reserved" historically originated as a means to ensure comprehensive protection of copyright under varied international laws. Today, while its formal use has decreased, it can still provide a broad signal about the rights the copyright holder wishes to assert.

    When a copyright holder states "All Rights Reserved," they are indicating that they reserve all of their rights provided under copyright law. Let's break down these rights:

    1. Right to Reproduce: The copyright holder has the exclusive right to make copies of the work. Others cannot reproduce the work without the copyright holder's permission.
    2. Right to Distribute: The copyright holder can choose how they want to distribute their work. They can sell it, rent it, lease it, lend it, or even give it away if they choose.
    3. Right to Create Derivative Works: The copyright holder has the right to create new works based on the original work. This includes translations, adaptations, sequels, and any other work that derives from the original.
    4. Right to Public Performance and Display: The copyright holder can choose when and where their work is performed or displayed publicly.

    In declaring "All Rights Reserved," the copyright holder is emphasizing their intention to maintain and control these exclusive rights.

    It's important to note, however, that these rights are not absolute. They're subject to certain limitations and exceptions under copyright law. One of the most notable exceptions is the doctrine of fair use (in the U.S.) or fair dealing (in other jurisdictions), which allows for limited use of copyrighted works without the owner's permission under specific circumstances, such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

    While "All Rights Reserved" does not legally enhance the protection already granted by copyright law, it serves as a clear notice to users that the copyright holder intends to exercise full control over their rights.

    In the next section, we will discuss what this phrase means for creators and users of copyrighted works, and why it is still used despite the changes in international copyright laws.

    Seeking Permission and Dealing With Orphan Works

    Navigating the world of copyrights can be complex, especially when you need to use someone else's work. How do you go about obtaining the necessary permissions? And what if you can't find the copyright holder?

    Seeking Permission to Use Copyrighted Works

    If you want to use a work in a way that exceeds the limitations of fair use or other copyright exceptions, you will need to seek permission from the copyright holder. This is often the creator of the work, but it could also be a publisher, a record company, or another entity to whom the creator has assigned their rights.

    Here's a basic process to follow:

    Identify the copyright holder or their representative. This might be listed directly on the work, or you might need to do some research to locate them.

    Once you've identified the copyright holder, send a written request for permission. Be sure to clearly state who you are, what work you wish to use, how you want to use it, and any other relevant details.

    Wait for a response. This can sometimes take a while, so be patient. If permission is granted, you might be required to pay a fee or meet certain conditions.

    Ensure you comply with all the terms set out by the copyright holder. Remember, it's always safer to seek permission when in doubt. Using a work without permission can result in legal penalties.

    Dealing With Orphan Works

    An 'orphan work' is a term used to describe a copyrighted work whose copyright owner cannot be identified or located. The dilemma with orphan works is that they can't be used legally without permission, but there's no one to ask for permission.

    Different countries have different approaches to dealing with orphan works. Some countries have laws or schemes that allow for the use of orphan works under certain conditions. In the United States, for example, there's no specific law regarding orphan works, but the U.S.

    Copyright Office has recommended legislation to limit liability for certain uses of orphan works, provided the user has performed a diligent search to locate the copyright owner. In the absence of specific laws, it can be risky to use orphan works without permission. If the copyright owner comes forward later, they could potentially sue for copyright infringement.

    In Conclusion

    Obtaining permission to use copyrighted works can sometimes be a complex process, but it's an essential part of respecting the rights of creators and avoiding legal trouble. When dealing with orphan works, be sure to familiarize yourself with the laws and regulations in your jurisdiction, and consider seeking legal advice if necessary.

    If you seek legal advice on copyright matters, visit, create a profile, and go to the Attorney Consultation page under the Business category and Patent, Trademark, Copyright, and Trade Secret subcategory for guidance.