By Andrew Pierce
Congratulations! You have incorporated. Now you need an EIN (Employer ID Number, Federal Tax ID, Tax Payer Identification, etc.) for your business. These are necessary to open bank accounts and engage in other taxable activities, e.g. having employees. If you Google “Wyoming EIN” you will find many services offering “Wyoming EINs” for your business. However, EINs come from the IRS, so they are issued at the federal level and are the same across states. Obtaining an EIN is quick, easy, and free.
After you have incorporated, use the steps below to get a free EIN for your Corporation or Limited Liability Company:
Now you have a free EIN! Congrats! EINs are assigned geographically and are necessary for many companies. You have just completed a crucial step to bettering your business. This number will prevent many issues with the IRS. You may now transact business as there is no Wyoming business license and your annual report will not be due for one year. Please note that if you have a "Doing Business As" (DBA) name, your DBA may utilize the EIN of your primary company.
For Foreign Filers
Foreign filers must have an ITIN prior to applying online. If you are a foreign filer without an ITIN, you can still receive an EIN through filling out and mailing or faxing an SS-4. To run a legitimate business, foreigners will be required to pay income tax and file tax returns.
Foreign filers must have an ITIN prior to applying online. If you are a foreign filer without an ITIN, you can still receive an EIN by filling out and mailing or faxing an SS-4. To run a legitimate business, foreigners will be required to pay income tax and file tax returns.
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