As a corporation domiciled in another state that wants to engage in business in the state of Wyoming, you are required to file documents with the Secretary of State. This may sound tedious, but it’s actually very easy to complete. We can even do it for you and act as your registered agent in Wyoming.
Here’s How To Acquire Your Certificate:
After submission, the State of Wyoming will mail a completed Certificate of Authority to you.
Please note that a “foreign” Wyoming corporation is not a corporation from outside of the USA. That is, it’s not a company from a foreign country. It is merely a corporation founded in a state other than WY. In other words, any corporation not organized in Wyoming is considered foreign.
To clarify, consider the following example. You live in Montana and that’s where you incorporated. You have a job somewhere in Wyoming and voilà you are a foreign entity needing to do business in Wyoming. Your corporation was hired to carry out work in Cheyenne, WY. Accordingly, you are a foreign corporation registering to do business in Wyoming. Did you like our article? We have more information on whether you require a business license in Wyoming, when you should apply for a Wyoming DBA, and how to perform a Wyoming business search.