This article provides essential information about obtaining an EIN for foreign-owned companies in the United States. It emphasizes the necessity of an EIN for various purposes, including tax filings, hiring employees, and opening a business bank account. The article also highlights the required information and considerations for the application. It's a valuable resource for non-resident business owners navigating the U.S. tax system.
Every foreign-owned company needs an Employee Identification Number (EIN). Banks require it and the IRS requires it for filing form 5472. This rule applies to all Limited Liability Companies and Corporations. People also call them:
This page is for obtaining an EIN for non-residents (those without an SSN or ITIN). Otherwise, please use our guide to get an EIN as a resident.
For non-residents, the Internal Revenue Service will always require an EIN. This is for annual filings, plus it's needed to:
An EIN is also important for asset protection. It allows you to open a business bank account and prevents the comingling of funds, i.e. when your personal business funds are in the same account it becomes hard for the court to protect just your business assets.
A DBA or Sole-Prop doesn't have a corporate veil, but keeping revenue and expenses separate from your personal account makes it easier to run the company. You can see what the company is earning or losing, and makes it easier in case you want to sell the company.
The SS4 document must be complete when you fax it, otherwise, the IRS will fax the application back with a rejection notice. Most required information is on the Certificate or Articles provided by the state:
In addition to the above, please also keep in mind:
The best way for a non-resident to apply for an EIN is to fax an SS4 application in. You can mail in the SS4, but this only makes the process longer given the mailing time. Only those with an SSN or ITIN can apply online.
If you are faxing the SS-4, you can find the form on the IRS website.
Once faxed, the SS-4 will be faxed back and the CP 575 G will be mailed to your business address. If we receive it, then we scan it to your client portal and email you a notification. The application can take from 3 days to 4 weeks, depending on the time of year, e.g. whether it's tax season or a national holiday.
You should also include a phone and fax number for future correspondence. Since you are filing yourself, the third-party designee section is not needed and can remain blank.