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  1. Swiss Bank Account

Swiss Bank Account

Wyoming Asset Protection Trust-Trust Attorney

You have already decided to set up your trust and/or LLC in Wyoming and now the question is where to keep the underlying assets of said structure. There are two options – domestic or international. This is an important issue to consider because if done right, it could enhance your entire asset protection structure by simply choosing the right jurisdiction. The domestic option is to go with a bank located in the United States, which does not provide any additional asset protection. The international option does.

However, it is imperative that you open a bank account in a jurisdiction where you can count on the stable economy, reliable political environment, and strong judicial system, where certainty and stability go hand-in-hand. One such place is Switzerland. The Alpine country offers benefits that make it very attractive as a destination for safekeeping and deposits, not only for Americans, but also for individuals around the world. Choosing the right Swiss bank that will provide custody of the assets of your structure and the best SEC-registered Swiss investment advisor (SEC RIA) to preserve those assets, are key to having a peace of mind that your ‘nest egg’ is in safe hands.

Following are just some of the reasons why U.S. investors trust Swiss independent managers with their asset management needs and the Swiss private banks for their custodial services:

  • Switzerland is a safe financial environment for private investors;
  • The political and economic system is stable and proven over many decades;
  • The country is renowned for its independence and neutrality;
  • Private banking and asset management have extremely long traditions in Switzerland;
  • Switzerland is geographically well-positioned both within Europe and internationally;
  • Switzerland is not a member of the European Union.

With its multi-generational traditions of banking and wealth management, one of the oldest and strongest currencies in the world, a stable political environment, and an uncompromising legal system, Swiss banking has and continues to be the top choice for custodial services.

Our partner in Switzerland is Michael Donev, Esq., an attorney and private banking advisor based in Zurich. Michael assists U.S. and Canadian citizens in providing access to Swiss private banking and wealth management solutions. He has specialized in the needs of wealthy North American families, entrepreneurs, and institutional investors to provide a solid and tested connection to global wealth management opportunities.


Contact Michael Donev, Esq.for more information.

Michael Donev is an attorney licensed in New York and Washington state, and a private banking advisor based in Zurich, Switzerland. Michael has previously practiced in the United States, France, Belgium, and Switzerland at law firms and intergovernmental organizations, and was general counsel for international corporations. Michael has developed expertise in international banking, corporate law, and data privacy. He publishes regularly and enjoys writing on international legal topics.

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Why a Dynasty Trust in Wyoming?


Wyoming's legislature has worked hard to make us a preeminent trust jurisdiction. Our trust laws have been designed to attract capital through nation, and world, leading asset protection and tax benefits. For example, Wyoming has no state income taxes. Our trusts can also contain a spendthrift clause which makes it difficult for creditor's to attach to a beneficiaries beneficial interest. While a Wyoming Dynasty Trust is irrevocable, our state is flexible in allowing the trust documents to be altered as your family's needs change. Contact us today for more information on establishing a Dynasty Trust in Wyoming.