Forming a non-profit company is a completely different process than incorporating a C-Corp. There are many factors one needs to consider before deciding on doing so.
When you have done your research and you have seen that your idea is feasible, provides a critical need and that you will be successful in obtaining funding, you can then begin the process of forming an independent 501(c)(3) company. This organizational structure will qualify your business for tax exemption status from federal taxes and will allow donors to make their contribution tax deductible as well.
You will then register in the state that you plan to do business in, but you also need to apply to the IRS separately as simply registering in the state will not qualify you for tax exemption. There are numerous forms and documents that you will need to complete and the fees for the IRS will depend on the size of your venture. In addition, it could take anything from 3 to 6 months to receive your tax-exempt status. Call your local IRS office to determine how you should go about getting your application packet.
Unfortunately, Wyoming LLC Attorney does not assist with nonprofit formations at this time. Given the numerous complexities and intricacies associated with the process, it's advisable to get in touch with a specialized attorney who deals with nonprofit incorporation and taxation. Costs may vary, so it's a good idea to explore different options and seek references. Additionally, you can economize by handling some of the tasks yourself and having the attorney review your work. There are also numerous online resources dedicated to this topic, so conducting a simple online search using the term "nonprofit organization" can provide you with a wealth of valuable information.