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  1. Nevada LLC Search | NV Business Name Search

Nevada LLC Search

How to Start an LLC


The article provides information on Nevada LLC searches, including the importance of naming your company, where to search for an LLC, what information is needed for the search, reasons for conducting an LLC search, the available information in Nevada LLC searches, and how to keep LLC information private through anonymous LLCs or the Double LLC strategy.

For anyone considering starting up a company in Nevada, there are a lot of things that you need to think about. However, one of the most important parts that you must dedicate some time to is naming your company. A Nevada business search is a crucial part of forming an LLC, so you need to know more about how to complete a Nevada LLC search, some of the reasons you may need to search for an LLC, and what information is available online when you complete these searches. So, read on for everything you need to know about Nevada LLC searches.

An LLC, or limited liability company, is a kind of business that you can set up in the US. These companies protect the owner from being personally liable for any business issues, meaning their own assets are not at risk as a result of monetary issues for the business. Additionally, the business is not liable for personal issues so personal creditors cannot access business assets. There are a whole host of benefits to having an LLC since they offer the advantages of both a corporation and a sole proprietorship or partnership. Setting one up involves understanding the fees, the requirements for an operating agreement, how taxes are handled, the necessity of filing an annual report, and the option of forming an Anonymous LLC.

Where Can You Search for an LLC?

The easiest place to search for an LLC is through the online portal where every registered entity in Nevada is listed. This is called SilverFlume Online Entity Search. Using this tool, you can quickly and easily establish all of the details you need on any business that is registered. This can also help you when it comes to trying to find a name for your LLC that is not already listed for another company.

What Information Will I Need to Search for an LLC?

A Nevada business name search is an important step if you are thinking about forming a Nevada LLC. There is a whole database online that lists all of the businesses that are registered in Nevada. This is the easiest way to find out more about a business or to find out if there are any businesses registered with a certain name already. You can find this information using the SilverFlume Online Entity Search. You can search for a business entity if you have any of the following information:

1. Company Name

Searching by business name is one of the easiest ways to find out whether a business is already trading under that name. From this, you can search the database to find out much more about the company.

2. Entity Number

The easiest way for somebody to search for an LLC is by using the entity number of the company. You can find this on most documents that are filed with the Secretary of State. Every business in Nevada should have one of these so it shouldn’t be too hard to find.

3. NV Business ID Number

If neither of these options works, you can also try searching by Business ID Number. This is a unique number that every company in Nevada will have. Therefore, it can be used to identify the company and to find out more about them. This can be done through an online entity search which should return any information that you could need.

There is a range of details that you can use to search for an LLC in order to make it easier for you to find what you are looking for. You could use details such as the below to search for a limited liability company.

4. Officer Name

Nevada’s articles of organization ask that you list either president, secretary, treasurer, and director, or the equivalent of these positions. You use the names of anyone listed in this section to find the LLC.

5. Registered Agent Name

Another option is to search using the name of the registered agent. The majority of businesses have to list a registered agent who is in charge of handling documentation and other legal matters. Some companies work with third parties to fulfill this requirement but it is worth trying this method if you are trying to find out more about a company.

Reasons to Search for an LLC

There are many reasons why you might want to search for an LLC, or why somebody else might want to search for yours. Here are some of the things that might cause somebody to look for the details about a particular LLC:

They want to file a lawsuit against an LLC

You do not actually need too much information to file a lawsuit against an LLC. The process is fairly simple as all you need is your legal name to list as the plaintiff and the legal name of the LLC as the defendant. If you do not know the actual name of the company, you can use a search to find out before you file your complaint. You will also need to detail what the wrongdoing of the company was. Any further information can help you to find out more when it comes to evidence against the company and proving what they did wrong. The best place to start is through a company search to get as many details as possible which can help you to have more information when it comes to filing a claim.

They want to learn more about an LLC

One of the simplest reasons why somebody might want to search for an LLC is just to learn more about it. Using a search can provide you with information about the owners of the LLC as well as about the formation of the company which could be useful to know.

They want to find out who owns an LLC

One purpose of using a business search is to find out who actually owns the company. Some LLCs can be set up anonymously. This is especially likely in Nevada as the state does not require your details to be made public. However, in some states, details such as the members’ names and addresses are made accessible online. This means you can use a business search to find out who owns the limited liability company. While an anonymous LLC means you won’t be able to access this information, it is worth conducting a search to find out whether the details are published or not.

They are searching for name availability

When you set up a limited liability company, the very first step is choosing a name for your business. This is crucial as it decides the first impression of your company and will be a large part of your branding as well as marketing. You need to consider what you want your company to be seen as and how you want to grow your reputation. Your marketing can be built around this name so it is pivotal that you choose something which matches your goals for the business. As well as this, there are some rules around what you can opt for as the name for your business.

Firstly, the name has to include the entity type. This could be the full phrase 'Limited Liability Company' or any form of abbreviation of the phrase, such as LLC. It can’t be misleading, for example, it cannot include any words that indicate a different type of company. Words like ‘corporation’ cannot be used for this reason.

Finally, you are not legally allowed to choose a name that is already in use by another business. You have to opt for a name that is completely unique, which is where business search comes in. You can use this to make sure that the name you are thinking of has not already been registered by another company. This only tells you that the name is not being used in your state, however, so you also need to check that the name you want to use is not trademarked.

Which names can be used?

It can be complicated trying to find a name that fits with all of the rules and regulations regarding LLCs. When you use the business search to establish whether a name has been taken, there are a few results that you might see.

The first thing to note is that it is important to use minimal parts of your business name. Try searching smaller parts of the phrase or even individual words to make sure that you find any results that could be too similar to the name that you want to choose.

Once you have made your searches, if you do not find any results that are close to what you want to choose, then you are free to use the name that you are hoping for. The same is true if you see the message ‘no records found with your search criteria’.

The only time you can’t use the name that you wanted to is if the same name appears in the search results. This means that a company is already registered under the name and therefore you cannot use it since your name is required to be unique within your state. Once you have a name that is free to use and you are happy with, you will need to register the name you want to make sure nobody else starts trading under it before you can trademark it yourself. The last thing you want is to build your plan and brand around a name that is taken before you can trademark it and start operating under it.

What Information Is Available for Search in Nevada?

If you want to find out more about a company, you may be wondering what information is actually available for search. If you search for an LLC correctly, you should be able to find out information such as who the owner of the business is, their name and address, as well as other details about their finances and assets.

How to Keep Your LLC Information Private

Ordinarily, when you set up an LLC, your private details such as your name, address, and financial details will be available to find online. This information can be accessed fairly easily by anyone with internet access, which can be a worry for business owners.

It is fairly simple to make your details more private – all you have to do is opt for an anonymous LLC instead. To make your LLC anonymous, choose to start it in a state in which you do not have to publish your personal details. This offers you much more privacy and protects your information.

Some of the states that are most well-known for allowing anonymous LLCs include Wyoming, Delaware, New Mexico, and Nevada. This means that when you set up a Nevada LLC, you automatically have an anonymous LLC since your details will not be published unless you decide to do this yourself.

For states that do not allow you to start an LLC anonymously, there are still options. One technique is the Double LLC strategy. This works by setting up an LLC in a state where you can do so anonymously, and then setting up the second in your own state but listing the previous company as the owner. This is a legal way to make your company anonymous and gain all the benefits of being able to keep your personal details private.

Final Note

There is a whole range of benefits when it comes to forming an LLC, so whether you are looking to start a business or simply want to find out more about somebody else’s, it is worth looking into limited liability companies today. You could opt for an anonymous LLC, a series LLC, or a single member LLC amongst others to make sure that you are getting all of the relevant benefits for your business.

It can help to look for professional help, but whether you choose to do this or not, it is definitely worth getting started with a limited liability company of your own. If you would like to establish a Nevada LLC and need assistance, complete the contact form or call +1 (307) 683-0983 to speak with one of our experienced Business Success Advisors.